RM Analyzer Help

RmSet : Reinforcement

The offered editboxes and options represent the content of the current row in the list. Using the insert buttons or the modify button, the input will be written into the list. By 'Delete' or 'Delete All' row(s) will be deleted from the list. Scrolling the rows, the content of the editboxes and options will be changed related to the current row.

Attribute set

Name of the attribute set the reinforcement value wanted to be output for

  • 1st selection arrow: All attribute sets will be offered.
  • 1st selection arrow: Attribute sets that fit to the chosen result type will be offered.

If the type of the attribute set does not fit, then a information will be displayed and all radio buttons for results that not fit will be disabled.

Buttons for new reinforcement results If the chosen attribute set does not fit to the desired result, then its name will be deleted in the editbox.
Longitudinal reinforcement
  • AL               Longitudinal reinforcement [cm2;]
Shear-longitudinal reinforcment
  • AL+M             Shear-longitudinal reinf. [cm2;] (bottom)
  • AL-M             Shear-longitudinal reinf. [cm2;] (top)
  • ANGLE+M          Shear-longitudinal reinf. (Angle for AL+M)
  • ANGLE-M          Shear-longitudinal reinf. (Angle for AL-M)
Shear-torsion reinforcement
  • ALT              Shear-torsion reinf. [cm2;] (longitudinal)
  • AVT              Shear-torsion reinf. [cm2;/m] (vertical/transverse)
  • AVT2             Shear-torsion reinf. [cm2;/m] (AVT*2)
  • CFT              Shear-torsion reinf. (Capacity Factor Torsion)
  • ANGLE            Shear-torsion reinf. (Angle for CFT)
Shear reinforcement
  • AVQ              Shear reinf. [cm2;/m]
  • AVQT             Shear reinf. [cm2;/m] (Interaction shear+torsion)
  • CFQ              Shear reinf. (Capacity Factor Shear)
  • CFQT             Shear reinf. (Capacity Factor Shear+Torsion)
  • ANGLE            hear reinf. (Angle for CFQT)